Leverage the power of Enter's AI RCM technology to understand your practice. With just your EHR credentials, Enter generates all of your claims, posts all payments, and analyzes against your contracts so you can understand your business better.
View your historical RCM data through ENTER's Dashboard and Business Intelligence Reporting Suite. Monitor your entire Revenue Cycle at a glance through our RCM scorecard, or deep dive into any claim, payer contract, patient demographic and much more.
1 year of 835, and 837 data + your contracts. Your report will be ready in just 14 days.
You are missing out on real dollars. ENTER AIR analyzes every corner of your Revenue Cycle to help you find those dollars.
Find out how your contracts are performing and which ones are underpaying. See how your contracts and payment rates stack up against Medicare.
Triangulate what you should be paid, time to pay, and are not getting paid to fill the holes. What are you writing off? What is your first pass rate? See how much AR is really outstanding.
Understand the "why" in deny. Denial Analysis helps you understand the reasons behind denials, assess your first pass denial rate, ensure correct payments, measure the time taken for appeals, evaluate the effectiveness of your appeals, identify the right denials to pursue, and interpret the meaning of your denials.
Operations analysis will make your front office better. Identify your Cash Gap, measure your bad data error rate, and assess the accuracy of patient and member data capture.
Bad Data = Bad Results. Data Analysis helps you fix that by ensuring all your payers are connected electronically, minimizing incorrect payment postings, and reducing the frequency of sending bad data to your payers.
Evaluate your current use of SMS, email, auto-payment plans, outbound phone support, and automated systems for hard collections (including auto-posting). Assess your average patient cash-gap to identify areas for improvement.
Get a comprehensive and accurate snapshot of the of your company's revenue cycle, with informed recommendations on how to optimize it.
A fully populated Enter Dashboard with your claims, payer payments, contract values and much more.
Enter’s BI Reporting Suite populated with your data.
Enhanced Reporting that leverages Enter AI to deliver unique insights.
Enter’s customer success, RCM and Strategy team will deliver a presentation with recommendations.