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Digital Patient Engagement Tools For Improved Outcomes

Learn how digital patient engagement tools can improve clinical outcomes, reduce costs and enhance patient experience.

Digital Patient Engagement Tools For Improved Outcomes

Digital patient engagement tools are becoming an increasingly important part of the healthcare landscape. They can help improve outcomes by providing patients with information and resources that can empower them to take a more active role in their own care. Automated patient engagement solutions are key components of your digital front door—the technology your organization uses to engage patients throughout their care journey. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at some of the most popular digital patient engagement tools and discuss their benefits. We'll also explore how these tools can be used to improve communication between patients and healthcare providers.

What Are Digital Patient Engagement Tools?

Digital patient engagement tools are platforms that allow healthcare providers to interact with patients electronically. These tools can be used for various purposes, including scheduling appointments, sending reminders, and providing educational materials. Digital patient engagement tools can also help patients manage their health by tracking their symptoms and medications. In addition, these tools can provide access to appointment times and locations and contact information for providers. By using digital patient engagement tools, healthcare providers can improve communication with patients and provide them with the resources they need to manage their health better.

New Digital Tools For Patient Engagement

Digital tools have changed how doctors interact with patients. Here are some of the digital tools for patient engagement.


Telehealth is just remote healthcare. With telehealth visits, patient access to healthcare has never been more convenient. This can include video conferencing, phone calls, email, and text messages. Telehealth has become increasingly popular in recent years deu to COVID-19, as it offers a convenient way to receive care without traveling to a doctor’s office. In many cases, telehealth can be just as effective as in-person care. For example, telehealth can be used for psychiatric evaluations, counseling sessions, and medication management. It can also be used to monitor vital signs and symptoms and also provide education or even  support.

Telehealth can help reduce health care costs by eliminating the need for expensive office visits. Telehealth is an essential tool that can help to improve access to quality health care.

Remote Monitoring

One way to facilitate better engagement is through remote patient monitoring. With remote monitoring, providers can track a patient's health data in real-time and identify any potential problems early on. This allows for timely intervention and can prevent minor issues from becoming major ones. Additionally, remote monitoring can help providers stay connected with their patients between visits. They can use secure messaging to answer questions and address concerns, which can help promote a sense of partnership between patient and provider. Ultimately, by making use of remote monitoring technologies, providers can help foster greater engagement and improve patient outcomes.

Patient Education

Digital patient engagement tools can also be used to provide patients with educational materials. Patients who are empowered with knowledge are more likely to take an active role in their own care. In addition, patient education can help to improve communication between patients and providers. When patients understand their condition and the available treatment options, they can make more informed decisions about their care. By providing patients with educational materials, digital patient engagement tools can help to improve health outcomes.

Integrations With Technology 

Integrations can help healthcare providers engage patients in their own practices. By using patient portals, providers can encourage patients to track their health data, schedule appointments through a patient portal, and request prescription refills. In addition, many portals now offer features such as secure messaging and video visits, which can make it easier for patients to get the care they need. 

Up-Front Payment Programming

Up-front payment programming can be an effective way to encourage patients to take an active role in their own health. By setting specific health goals and providing financial incentives for meeting those goals, patients are more likely to stick to their treatment plan and see improved health outcomes. In addition, up-front payment programs can help to control healthcare costs by encouraging patients to use less expensive preventive care services rather than more costly reactive care. Ultimately, up-front payment programming has the potential to improve patient engagement and improve the overall quality of healthcare. 

On-Call Wellness Support Staff

On-call wellness support staff can make a big difference in the lives of patients and their families.

  • On-call wellness support staff can provide important services such as follow-up calls after a hospital stay, reminder calls for appointments, and health education materials.
  • Patients who receive on-call wellness support are more likely to be engaged in their own care and have better outcomes.
  • Hospitals that use on-call wellness support staff report improved patient satisfaction scores and reduced readmission rates.

On-call wellness support staff are a valuable resource for hospitals and patients alike. By providing important services and information, on-call wellness support staff can help to improve patient engagement and keep people happy!


As healthcare evolves, patient engagement has become an increasingly important goal for providers. One way to promote patient engagement is by offering vaccinations. Vaccinations help to educate patients about general health concerns and the importance of prevention.  They also help to build trust between patients and providers. In addition, vaccinations can help to protect patients from serious diseases. For these reasons, providers should consider offering vaccinations as part of their patient engagement strategy.


Use the population details stored in your patient database to discover patterns and trends in the group you serve in the local community. You can develop targeted marketing and outreach programs to improve patient engagement from this information. You can also use this data to improve your understanding of the needs of your patients and tailor your services to better meet their needs.

Follow-up Surveys

After a patient leaves your office, it is important to follow up with them to ensure that they are satisfied with the care they receive. Follow-up surveys can help you to identify areas where you need to improve and make changes to your practice. In addition, follow-up surveys can help to build trust between patients and providers. By taking the time to connect with patients after their visit, you can show that you value their opinion and feedback.

Reasons For Using Digital Patient Engagement Tools

Digital patient engagement tools support in-person engagement strategies to improve the patient experience dramatically. Here are six reasons why providers implement patient engagement tools:

Improve Patient Satisfaction

By using digital patient engagement tools, providers can improve patient satisfaction scores. Patient satisfaction can be dependent upon

  • Reduce Wait Times - Digital patient engagement tools can help to reduce wait times for appointments and procedures.
  • Increase Efficiency - Digital patient engagement tools can help to increase the efficiency of office visits.
  • Improve Communication - Digital patient engagement tools can help to improve communication between patients and providers.
  • Build trust - Digital patient engagement tools can help to build trust between patients and providers.
  • Enhance the Patient Experience - Digital patient engagement tools can enhance the overall patient experience.

By using digital patient engagement tools, providers can improve the quality of care they provide and the overall patient experience.

Patient Treatment

Technology-based reminders for patients about their appointments and medications help to improve treatment adherence. Treatment adherence is when patients take their medications as prescribed and keep their scheduled appointments. When patients are adherent to their treatment plan, they are more likely to experience positive health outcomes.

Digital patient engagement tools can help providers to improve treatment adherence by sending reminders to patients about their appointments and medications. In addition, digital patient engagement tools can help providers to track patients’ adherence rates. By using these tools, providers can identify which patients are not adhering to their treatment plan and take steps to address the issue.

Improvement In Staff Productivity And Satisfaction

Digital patient engagement tools can help to improve staff productivity and satisfaction. By using these tools, staff can spend less time on administrative tasks and more time on patient care. In addition, digital patient engagement tools can help to improve communication between staff members. This can lead to fewer misunderstandings and errors

To Reduce Risk Of Burnout

Digital patient engagement tools can help to reduce the risk of burnout for providers. When providers are using these tools, they can spend less time on administrative tasks. This can lead to less stress and more time for self-care. In addition, digital patient engagement tools can help to improve communication between providers and patients. This can help to build trust and reduce frustration.

Use Technology To Fill The Gap

Digital patient engagement tools can help to fill the gap in care for patients. When patients are using these tools, they can stay connected to their providers between office visits. This can help to ensure that patients receive the care they need and improve health outcomes.

Technology Requirements Or Capabilities

When researching solutions, healthcare IT leaders must consider the needs of all of these, as well as technical requirements and budgets. Here are a few requirements to look for when researching vendors.


Vendors customize is the solution to meet the specific needs of each client. One size rarely fits all in healthcare, so it is important to find a vendor that will tailor the solution to your organization’s needs.


Vendor-release products should be updated frequently with new features and capabilities. A good vendor will have a regular release schedule for updates and will provide a roadmap of upcoming features.


Any digital patient engagement solution must be easy to use or it will not be adopted by providers or patients. Look for a vendor that offers training and support to help with adoption. The solution should be cross-platform meaning it must be available on mobile, laptop, and other platforms you may use..

Integration & Security

The digital patient engagement solution must integrate with your EHR. The vendor should have a team of experts that can help with the integration process. In addition, the solution must be secure to protect patient data. The vendor should have experience in healthcare security and comply with all relevant regulations.


Digital patient engagement solutions should automate many tasks such as appointment reminders, medication reminders, and follow-ups. This can free up staff time to focus on other tasks. When considering a vendor, make sure the solution offers the automation features you need.

Patient Engagement Tools' Effects on Client Care

In every sector, technology is changing how we engage and healthcare is no exception. Physicians and providers can leverage technology and patient engagement tools to provide the best care possible. So if you are looking for a patient technology solution, Enter health is the perfect source that will provide you with the best solution. Contact us today to learn more about our solutions.

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