The most comprehensive, data rich, RCM analysis on Earth.
Enter AIR is an AI-powered, data-driven review of your RCM performance and operations.
Payer Analysis
Understand the dynamics between payers, payment rates and values to identify cost gaps and trends.
Data quality assured
Near real-time data quality reports to keep your Revenue Cycle running smoothly.
Comprehensive claim breakdown
Track growth with AI generated Business Intelligence reports & forecasts customized for you.
Denial Analyzer
Access all denial data in human-readable format with top adjustment and procedure codes.
Simple yet powerful summary
Monitor your entire Revenue Cycle at a glance or dig deeper if needed to stay on top of the data game
Contract Analysis
You are missing out on the real dollars. Contract analysis fixes that for you.
  • How are your contracts performing

  • Which contracts are underpaying

  • How your contracts and payment rates stack up against medicare
AR Analysis
Triangulate what you should be paid, time to pay, and are not getting paid to fill the holes.
  • What are you writing off?

  • What is your first pass rate?

  • How much AR is really outstanding?
Denial Analysis
Denial Analysis helps you understand the “why” in the deny.
  • What is your first pass denial rate?

  • Are you getting paid correctly?

  • How long does it take for your denials to get appealed?
  • How long does it take for your denials to get appealed?
  • Do your appeals work?
  • Are you chasing the right denials?
  • What do your denials mean?
Operations Analysis
Operation analysis will make your front office better.
  • What is your Cash Gap?

  • What is your Bad Data Error Rate?

  • How accurate is your Front Office at capturing patient and member data?
Data Analysis
Bad Data = Bad Results. Data Analysis helps you fix that.
  • Are all your payers connected electronically?

  • How often are your payments posted incorrectly?

  • How often are you sending payers bad data?
Patient Collection Analysis
This is optional - with survey
  • What are you doing currently? SMS? Email? Auto-payment plans? Phone system? Outbound phone support?
    Automated system for hard collections and does it auto-post?
    Average patient cash-gap?
What will Enter Air Deliver how long will take and what we will need from you ?
With just your EMR credentials, Enter generates all of your claims, posts all payments, and analyzes against your contracts so you can understand your business better.
What we will deliver?
  • A fully populated Enter Dashboard
  • Business Intelligence Dashboard
  • AI Enhanced Reporting
  • Executive report and presentation with recommendations
How long will it take?
Just 14 days after you send us your data contacts
What do we need from you ?
1 year of 835, and 837 data + your contracts
Ready to begin your Enter journey ?
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